Spell Science

Casters beware digital devices: why electronics interfere with magic

Magic, and chaos magic within my own weaving cyrcle, is an esoteric practice that uses the power of chaos to create change in one’s life. It relies on the unpredictability of chaotic systems to bring about desired outcomes, and it requires a certain degree of improvisation from its practitioners. While computers can be useful tools …

Casters beware digital devices: why electronics interfere with magic Read More »

Manifesting chaos via a traditional spellweaving framework

1. Begin by grounding yourself, either through meditation or some other centering activity. This helps you to create a connection with the energies of the Earth and will assist in your spellcasting. 2. Set up an altar for this ritual, using items that are meaningful to you and relate to your intent for the spell …

Manifesting chaos via a traditional spellweaving framework Read More »

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